Checkered Racing offers the following Returns Policy: If for any reason you are not completely satisfied, please contact Checkered Racing within 30 days. We will repair or replace any defective products. Please contact our customer service representatives at 812-325-0819 from 9:00M-7:00pm Eastern Time, 7 DAYS A WEEK.. The product returned are subject to a restocking fee and must be returned in its original condition to the following address: 2221 N. State Hwy 43, Spencer. In 47460. Our shop number for installation help is now 812-606-7223.
Disclaimer of Warranty: The purchaser is responsible for determining the suitability of any and all products purchased from Checkered Racing. Purchaser understands and recognizes that racing parts equipment and services by, manufactured and/or sold by Checkered Racing are subject to varied conditions due to the manner in which they are to be installed and used. Purchaser further recognizes and agrees that suitability and agrees that suitability of any part sold or manufactured by Checkered Racing for a particular application is the purchaser’s decision and that the purchaser is not relying on the skill or judgment of Checkered Racing regarding suitability of any product or service. Checkered Racing makes no warranties whatsoever, expressed or implied, oral or written to purchasers. There is no warranty of merchantability made to purchasers with regard to racing and racing equipment with the exception of those specific products covered under our limited Lifetime Warranty as outlined below. Limited Lifetime Warranty: This warranty is limited to the specified products manufactured by Checkered Racing and the original owner only. Proof of purchase will be required. Claims must be shipped to Checkered Racing prepaid. A copy of the original invoice and $30.00 (to cover cost of handling and return freight must be included). Liability is limited to repair or replacement of defective parts to original purchaser. Checkered Racing is not liable for any consequential damages, expenses or injury arising from the use, misuse or improper installation of any product manufactured or sold by Checkered Racing. Checkered Racing reserves the right to make changes in design, add to, or improve their product without incurring any obligation to install the same on any products previously manufactured. This warranty shall not apply to any product that may be covered under the warranty of another manufacturer or which has been repaired or altered in any way so as in our judgment to effect its performance; nor has been subject to misuse, abuse, negligence or any other occurrence beyond the control of Checkered Racing.